Ampthill Town Council Volunteering Opportunites
Do you have some spare time? Come and join our team of volunteers to help in and around the Park with gardening, conservation and litter picking and to help at our community events throughout the year - such as our Community Cafe, Annual Dog Show, Christmas lights and much more. If this interests you please click here to fill out our online form and one of our team will be in touch.
Let Community Voluntary Service Bedfordshire promote your volunteering opportunities
In addition Community Voluntary Service Bedfordshire Volunteering can promote your voluntary organisation's volunteering opportunities. Simply visit:
Follow the instructions and begin recruiting volunteers by this means.
Become a Volunteer
Search for local voluntering opportunities via CVS Bedfordshire Volunteering
Search for local volunteering opoortunities by visiting CVS Bedfordshire Volunteering - Become a Volunteer Page and search from there. Alternatively, give them a ring on 01234 354366.
Local Volunteering Opportunities
Ampthill & Flitwick Good Neighbours – Help Provided & Help Needed!
Ampthill & Flitwick Good Neighbours is a voluntary group that provides a link between those residents in Ampthill, Flitwick, Maulden and Millbrook needing help and those who are willing to offer it. The Group acts as a safety net for all residents, young and old. Using local volunteers Ampthill & Flitwick Good Neighbours builds on existing help already provided in the area and also fills gaps in that provision.
Help Provided - our volunteers can help those in need that require shopping, transport to the doctors or hospital, the collection of prescriptions, help in carrying out small jobs (e.g. changing light bulbs), dog walking or other pet care (e.g. during holidays/illness), befriending or gardening.
If you need help please contact us on 07833 314 903. Please give us as much notice as possible!
Help Needed - We require volunteers that are willing to be:
· Drivers - to drive those in need to doctors/hospital appointments etc (out of pocket expenses are paid) – you receive 45p per mile for your mileage.
· Mobile Phone Holders - who diligently arrange the help we provide.
· Befrienders – loneliness can really impact on your health and volunteers are needed that can commit to regular befriending
If you would like to volunteer for the scheme - please contact Mark Smith 07896 124933 or at mark.andrew.smith@hotmail.co.uk This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
For more information and to access further resources visit www.ampthillgoodneighbours.info
Parkside Community Hall
Members of the Parkside Management Committee are very keen to get more people involved. Why not volunteer your skills? We are looking for a team of people to help with fundraising and with the running of the hall. Can you spare a few hours to help with any of the following?
· Fundraising
· Managing the new computerised booking system
· Producing marketing materials such as leaflets, posters, etc
· Promoting the hall in order to raise the profile and increase bookings and income
· Dealing with new and existing hirers
· Helping to set up the hall for different events
This is your opportunity to support your very own Community Hall. To Become a Volunteer visit www.parksidehall.org.uk